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The year was 1999.


I didn't know about the rest of the world, but my mind was buzzing with the idea of the end of the century.


When I was 17 years old, I was taught in art class that art, once established, always collapses at the end of the century.

Was it then?  in 1999 that I made up my mind to go to a decadent party naturally.

In fact, in 1999 I looked for such a place, but by mid-year there was no such vibe. I was uncertain if I would ever get to that place, even though it clearly existed in my heart.

I went around telling the story to various people. Strangely enough, many people were interested in what I told.

Then I thought, “If it doesn't exist, let's just make it !!!”

My image was clear.

Ambient music flowing in the space.

Girls in bondage displayed there like objects.


July in 1999.

It began as a sort of private exhibition at Club Vivienne in Nishi-Azabu. I had painted large acrylic pictures and decorated the walls with them. Then I set out a table with tarot cards, which was my specialty. I also collected a lot of bondage items, which were rare at the time, and dressed the girls in them.


To my delight, they were well received.

When I went around talking about the exhibition that I had done, many people became interested in it again. One of them lent me a video of a party organized by SKITNTWO, a fetish magazine in London. It was a fetish party that everyone knows about now. This was outrageously shocking. I thought this is it: !!!! I thought. Then I made a connection with someone who had hosted a fetish party in Shibuya before that, and he said, “If you want to have a party, I'll invite guests. Besides, I was told by my friend Hidayo, who was the manager of Bullet's bar in Nishi-Azabu, that we should do it at our place, and I thought, “I have no choice but to do it”.

At that time, fetish parties were very rare. I even learned about it for the first time through SKINTWO's video. On the day we held the party, many fetish costumers gathered, and I was surprised myself by the intensity of the event.

FANTASIA is an image of an ideal world.

I can escape from this reality and go to my dreamed of ideal reality for one night only. ・・・・ I paint, but FANTASIA is my live 4D image, so to speak. It is a painting of the images I have inside me in space. Light, music, decoration, and direction. ・・・・・

It is a collaboration with artists who agree with me from time to time.

Although fetish parties are no longer a rarity, I created this website to preserve for the world the FANTASIA that took place at the turn of the century.


In the gallery you will find my artwork based on images from FANTASIA. In the news, I will try to inform you about my activities. At the end of this website, there is a page titled “Interviews with Artists,” where I will be posting interviews with artists I have met in the course of my career as an artist.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported FANTASIA.


And thank you to everyone who has visited this website.


Sincerely yours

Organizer of FANTASIA that underground culture event
Active at clubbing scene as model, performer,dominatrix in TOKYO-LONDON from the end of 20 century to the head of 21 century.

I was moved by a cover photo a book "Xtasy" written by Ryu Murakami when I was 20 years old. Then soon I got into Tokyo underground. I tried fetish performance as soon as I got into at a bar in Roppongi. At the almost same moment first pole dance club opened there...and I started a pole dancer as one of pioneer rare Japanese dancer. Owing to it I took the dance style in fetish performance. In these flowing I started fetish model career at art scene and performance at clubs. And I hung out at ambient and trance scene.

​In2001 moved to UK. I performed at Torture Garden and Erotica...and modeling for SKINTWO magazine and a corset line J design LONDON...also I was invited to HongKong, Greece as a performer....

I started a fashion brand Xpovos  which is remarkably bondage  taste based under underground culture experience in 2013 in Japan. I am active as a fashion designer now.






その時からだろうか? 1999年に私はデカダンなパーティに行くと心に決めたのは。









その個展のようなことをしたことを話して回るとまた色んな人がそのことに興味を持つ。そんな中で誰かがSKITNTWOというロンドンのフェティッシュ雑誌が主催するパーティのビデオを貸してくれた。今では誰もが知っているフェティッシュパーティだ。これがとんでもなくショッキングだった。私はこれだ!!!! と思った。そして、その以前に渋谷でフェティッシュパーティを主催されていた方とコネクションができ、「パーティをやるならお客さん呼ぶよ」と言われ、そしてまた西麻布のバーbullet’sでマネージャーをやってた友達のヒデヨちゃんに「うちでやればいいじゃん」と言われ、もうやるしかない、と思った。
























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